Bishop Doyle |
2010 offered TEDRD lots of surprises and good times. To close out the year, we'll be posting about some of the memorable moments of 2010.
We started off with a bang in January with groups from Grapevine Presbyterian and Franklin & Marshall. Both had come to help before and both will be coming back in 2011. What a great group. It got a little crowded, but we managed.
But the big event came when Bishop Doyle visited Galveston to tour some churches as well as the homes were were working on. After visiting Ms. Marsha's house as F&M worked away, Bishop Doyle volunteered to offer the house blessing at the completion of the project.
That first week in January also marked Nikki's first day as an intern. She stuck around for a record 7 straight months. We also started the very successful partnership with Disney's Give a Day, Get a Day program.
January 2011 looks to be even more exciting as we entertain the Presiding Bishop and celebrate our final month of volunteer labor. We hope you're ready!