We'd like to offer a big "Thank You!" to the churches that participated in the workshops held in Austin, Houston, and Lufkin:
Christ Church, Nacogdoches
Church of the Redeemer, Houston
Emmanuel, Houston
Epiphany, Burnet
Epiphany, Houston
Good Shepherd, Friendswood
Good Shepherd, Kingwood
Grace, Houston
Holy Comforter, Angleton
Holy Spirit, Waco
St. Andrew's, Pearland
St. Barnabas, Houston
St. Bartholomew's, Hempstead
St. Christopher's, Houston
St. Cyprian's, Lufkin
St. John's, Houston
St. Luke's, Livingston
St. Mark's Richmond
St. Matthew's, Austin
St. Matthew's, Henderson
St. Paul's, Woodville
St. Philip's, Palestine
St. Richard's, Round Rock
St. Thomas, Houston
Trinity, Anahuac
Trinity, Marshall
We are very grateful also for the congregations of St. Michael's, Austin; Emmanuel, Houston; and St. Cyprian's, Lufkin, who allowed us to use their facilities and equipment, and even provided snacks/meals for our participants!

Texas Episcopal Disaster Relief and Development has published a guide called "Parish Emergency Planning," created specifically for Episcopal churches of the Diocese of Texas, though the information could be easily translated to fit any church of any denomination.
Available for download at www.epicenter.org/preparedness, the guide presents emergency planning in a simple, easy-to-use workbook format.
Download the guide and start planning today; you never know when disaster may strike.
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